The project consisted of remediating 2,400 tons of lead-contaminated soil from the municipal firing range by stabilizing the soil with the use of EnviroBlend® and transporting stabilized soils to a local land-fill. The stabilized lead-contaminated soil was required to pass a series of tests, including TCLP, MEP, and SPLP metals prior to removal. Working in the different areas and concentrations of lead contamination, CST teamed with Premier Chemical to evaluate and pretest the soil to best determine the proper mixing of EnviroBlend. This enabled CST to provide a competitive bid and win the award of the job. Working as a team with the city and Premier Chemical, CST was able to complete work under budget and ahead of schedule. The finished product not only met but exceeded the city’s expectations, allowing the city to continue to use the site for future training rather than abandoning the site.
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These case studies are examples of the extensive work EnviroBlend has completed across the United States. For more information on our project experience please contact us.